

This course will allow participants to have a first approach to the world of programming using the R language. This will help them find effective solutions to large data sets using statistical methods, where the training objectives include learning computational thinking. , have a first approach to the world of programming and promote the algorithmic ability to find alternative solutions to conventional statistical software.


• Introduce structured and analytical thinking in algorithm development
• Create your own functions that solve data problems
• Provide the basic concepts of creation in algorithmic programming around data
• Expand the range of tools available for the analysis of statistical problems


At the end of the course the participant will be able to:
• Perform your own algorithmic functions for the development of data analysis
• Handle the R programming language from a basic development perspective.
• Use the system to solve basic problems with data
• Manipulate and import large volumes of data


  • During Synchronous sessions: The person must pay attention, keep the microphone off and the camera on; in accordance with the Course Owner's instructions.
  • Check that the Internet connection works correctly before starting class.
  • Check that the audio and video work correctly on the device or computer.
  • Review the virtual classroom in advance to know the resources that the Course Owner will use in the class and download them if indicated, as well as the requested corrections.
  • Connect at least 5 minutes before the session.


Is delivered Certificate
Total Sessions: 4 sessions, each one lasting 3 hours.
Total length: 1 month.
Virtual Mode: Synchronous.
Synchronous Session Link: The dates will be specified and the Teams link will be sent.
Course Owner: César Arroyo Solano


R is a free software environment and programming language that allows you to compile instructions focused on statistics & probability especially. Currently it is unot one of the most used languages for data interpretation and science.



  • It includes many of the linear and nonlinear models used in statistics and industry.
  • Thanks to the generation of graphics, it allows the evaluation and review of thousands of data in terms of processing seconds.
  • The language allows you to create clean code that facilitates data management and interpretation.
  • Works with the most popular UNIX, Windows and MacOS systems.
  • Its use is free. It is only necessary to download the program from its official website.



  • To pass the course you must participate in all 4 sessions, both in form and time. You must complete all requested assignments and deliverables, attendance and PXS assessment.
  • Every session integrates analysis, readings, videos, participatory activities that encourage meaningful learning, interactivity, performance assessment, understanding goals and continuous feedback that allows knowledge to be progressively built with critical thinking, dynamics, creation, co-creation and reflection.
  • To receive the Certificate and the Badge you must complete the PXS Virtual Assessment that the team will send you within a maximum period of 5 days. Without sending the Evaluation, no certificate is provided, this is due to international licenses and certifications. Your feedback is very valuable to our entire PXS team.
  • The student must notify their respective Course Owner of absences or late arrivals, as well as any special situation or any irregularity that occurs during the training within a period of no more than 3 days, in order for them to complete the course. complete and the learning process.
  • At the same time, the participant can report any irregularity by the Course Owner such as late arrivals, early departures, non-compliance with the training content; among other concerns, to the email:
  • If you have suggestions about the development of the training, you can write to: Please indicate your name, the name of the training and the Course Owner.
  • On behalf of PXS, if you as a participant wish to receive our list of courses, you will be incorporated into a database. If you do not wish to be part of the distribution list, please contact us at:

“Excellent course! Without practical experience in this field, I was worried about whether or not I would be able to master some of the content, particularly statistics. I recommend the Green Belt course for any person not only for the manufacturing area but also for the services part in order to improve their skills and promotion opportunities in companies with a focus on continuous improvement, such is the case of the impact of this course that I attribute a significant percentage to the position that I recently acquired in the leadership area of Amazon for Brazil”
Dierichs Castillo Membreño
Spectacular! This is how a course of the magnitude of a Green Belt certification taught by PXS is summarized, since class after class they teach you to explore your analytical, critical and innovative side in order to define, measure, analyze, improve and control some opportunity for improvement that can generate impact within your organization. As another graduate of PXS, I recommend 100% for each and every one of the certifications based on continuous improvement and, in passing, I congratulate the great director of PXS, Mr. Edwin Garro, for the incredible contribution he is making to the industrial development (goods and services) of Costa Rica. .
Olman Cortés Alfaro
My experience in the Green Belt course at PXS was very good, I had the opportunity to learn more about this methodology, and bring it to reality with a project applied in my company that has given very positive results. It is much better when you become aware that all companies need Lean to manage their processes because it opens up the possibility of being more efficient, finding waste, or the solution to many problems that can cause a great impact in terms of time, money. and resources.
Daniela Soto Duarte


The success or failure of an organization is due to the effectiveness of the leader; This is more the rule than the exception. The leader is the one who sets the lifestyle for the organization. This occurs both in a direct positive action and in a


We countwith an online learning system




Costa Rica


Phone: 1-800-222-000
Fax: 1-800-222-002



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