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The Certified Quality Engineer is a professional who understands the principles of evaluation and control of service and product quality. This body of knowledge and applied technologies include, but are not limited to, development and operation of quality control systems, application and analysis of inspection and testing procedures, the ability to use methodology and statistical methods to diagnose and correct improper manufacturing practices. quality control, facility with quality cost concepts and techniques, and knowledge and ability to develop and administer management information systems and to audit quality systems to identify and correct deficiencies.
The PXS Certified Quality Engineer training program aims to provide fundamental preparation in quality engineering and prepare individuals interested in taking the American Society for Quality CQE exam.
Quality engineers, process engineers, continuous improvement managers, quality managers, quality managers, operations managers.
The preparation program for a Certified Quality Engineer is made up of the following contents:
Administration and Leadership:
- Principles and Foundations of Quality
- Quality Systems Administration
- ASQ Code of Ethics for Quality Professional Conduct.
- Leadership techniques and principles.
- Techniques and principles for Facilitation.
- Communication skills.
- Relationships with customers.
- Supplier management.
- Barriers to quality improvement
Quality system:
- Elements of a Quality System.
- Documentation of the Quality System.
- Quality Standards and other guidelines.
- Quality Audits.
- Cost of Quality.
- Quality Training.
Product, Process and Service Design:
- Classification of quality characteristics.
- Design inputs and review.
- Technical drawings and their specifications.
- Verification and Validation.
- Reliability and maintainability.
Process and Product Control:
- Methods.
- Material Control.
- Sampling for acceptance.
- Measurement and Testing.
- Metrology.
- Measurement System Analysis (MSA).
Continuous improvement:
- Tools for Quality Control.
- Quality Management and planning tools.
- Methodologies for Continuous Improvement.
- Lean Tools.
- Corrective actions.
- Preventive actions.
Quantitative methods and tools:
- Data collection and summary.
- Quantitative concepts. Probability Distributions.
- Statistics in decision making.
- Relationships between variables.
- Statistical process control.
- Process Capacity and Performance.
- Design and analysis of experiments.
Risk Management:
- Risk supervision.
- Risk assessment.
- Risk control.
Each candidate is required to pass a written exam consisting of multiple-choice questions that measures understanding of the Body of Knowledge (BoK). The exam has 175 questions, of which 160 are graded and 15 are not.
Participants must have eight years of work experience in one or more areas of the Certified Quality Engineer Body of Knowledge.
A minimum of three years of this experience in decision-making positions. “Decision making” is defined as the authority to define, execute or control projects/processes and be responsible for the outcome. This may or may not include management or supervisory positions.
The number of years can be reduced if you have:
- Technical school diploma or short career - one year of experience is reduced.
- Technical career - 2 years of experience are reduced.
- Bachelor's degree - 4 years of experience are reduced.
- Master's or doctorate - 5 years of experience are reduced.
Why is a CQE more like Batman than Superman?
Although both are fictional characters from the world of “comics”, there is a big difference between Batman and Superman. Batman is a human being who has developed his abilities to the maximum through extensive training and preparation, while Superman is a gifted being from another planet...