Development of PXSian Talent

The World Economic Forum in its report “The future of Jobs Report 2020” identifies that at least 50% of employees need to acquire new skills (reskilling) or increase their current skills (upskilling) between now and 2025.

The reason for this reconversion of talent is that while there are certain areas of knowledge that show a clear reduction in demand, other areas of knowledge show high growth in demand.

In the same report, it identifies a series of competencies that are among the priorities for the coming years, such as analytical thinking, active learning, complex problem solving, among others.

PXSian style Talent Development

Faced with this reality of the global environment, PXS has developed a series of solutions that seek to close the gaps regarding the priority competencies for professionals during the coming years, understanding that “one size fits all” solutions (one size fits all) are not the best option.

This methodological approach leads us to develop a process based on different stages:

Determination of need/gap

PXS has evaluation tools that allow you to identify, for different organizational roles, the current level of competence in order to compare it with the expected competences, in order to identify gaps or opportunities for growth or learning. So the talent development process is customized to the individual and not the individual to a pre-established program.

Talent development solution design

The talent development solution can take different directions depending on the client's needs.

Execution of the talent development process

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated a process that was already a trend in recent years regarding talent development. Which is undergoing a radical transformation, where traditional learning processes are losing their place to make room for new forms of learning:

PXS has transformed its learning processes to adapt them to these trends, providing an effective training process where the professional advances at his own pace and style. 24/7/365.

Evaluation of the talent development process

Once executed, the learning process is evaluated from the level of reaction, learning, transformation of behaviors and results.
